Pump Tanks & Pump Skids
Providing long lasting and reliable operations.

Standard features
- Full welded stainless-steel tanks
- Structural steel pump decks with non-skid plated decks for ease of use
- NEMA rated, UL approved control cabinets mounted and pre-wired pump motors
- Premium efficient close coupled pumps
- Welded carbon steel pump suction and discharge trim
- Site glass
- Water make-up
- Overflow connection
- Drain connection
- Reliable temperature control
- System operator indicator lights and switches
- Process pump discharge check valves
- Chilled water tank covers
- Full insulated chilled water tanks and pump trim

Premium features
- Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs)
- Alarm package - high temp, low level, chiller fault, system pressure, VFD fault
- Programmable logic controller (PLC)
- Remote access and monitoring
- Fused and non-fused disconnect
- Dual purpose stand-by pumps