Central & Portable Chillers
Offering a large range of top of the line and reliable central and portable chillers, so you can choose the right unit for your system.
Offering a large range of top of the line and reliable central and portable chillers, so you can choose the right unit for your system.
Portable air cooled or water
cooled 5-40ton

Process Cooling Systems offers a large range of top of the line and reliable central and portable chillers, so you can choose the right unit for your system. Portable air cooled or water cooled 5-40 ton, these units are available for rental or purchase.
- Package units with high output pump capabilities
- Automatic water make-up
- Outdoor duty rated
- High static condenser fan for exhaust ducting
- Alarm package with wired remote controls
Central chillers
15ton compact module chillers, up to multi hundred ton scroll, screw and centrifugal chillers.
To learn more about Portable and Central Chillers, download our brochure.